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4 Reasons Why University Students Should Consider Self Storage

It’s that time of the year again. Students across the country are finishing their year’s hard work and are preparing to enjoy the summer. With so much going on, storage can often be low on your to-do lists, but we at Self Storage Stockport want to show you why it’s more important than you might think.


  1. 1. You Have More Stuff Than You Think (and your parents don’t want it clogging up their house!)


It’s only natural that during your time at University you will build up your belongings. Whilst your boxes of charity shop hauls, BBQ, and extra-large bean bag chair hold a lot of memories, we’re sure you don’t want to deal with the hassle of having to fit an entirely new house worth’s of things back into your childhood bedroom.


  1. 2. Keep Your Prized Possessions Secure Over the Holidays


Moving back over the Christmas and Easter break is often as simple as a single suitcase of christmas jumpers and festive socks, however Student Houses are unfortunately easy targets for those who want to take advantage of the long periods of time they will be empty.


Save yourself the worry and keep your most valuable possessions, whether it be a bike, television, or sports equipment, in a secure storage unit. Self Storage Stockport offer secure, lockable storage options with insurance for your peace of mind.


  1. 3. It’s an Absolute Pain to Haul Everything Home


Moving your entire life across the country, or sometimes internationally, is never fun, and for some it may not even be possible to get everything home. Travelling via Train or Plane will leave you very limited in what you can bring with you. Self Storage can be a cheaper option than shipping your belongings home and can be the best option if you will only be away for a short period of time, whether this be for a holiday, sandwich year, or just the uncertainty after graduation.  


  1. 4. Lack of Space in Accommodation


If you have drawn the short straw and ended up with the box room in your house then you may be struggling to find a place for everything.


Keep the contents of your room relevant and seasonal by keeping items you don’t need in storage. Self Storage Stockport have an online Price Estimator to make sure you are only paying for the storage you need.


If Self Storage looks like an effective option for your needs then get in touch for a Free Personalised Quote today.


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